Who is Agne ?
We met Agne Sjöberg for the first time at a fly festival in Denmark, and when we took a look at his flies, we we’re literally blown away.
We had a nice conversation with him, and we simply had to ask this very nice likeable guy to join our team.
Agne is extraordinary skilled when it comes to seatrout flies, but is awesome in generel, and he is allways game on for a tying challenge.
He can tie the most amazing baitfish, gammarus patterns and shrimps, you should definately check out his instagram channel.
Questions & Answers
When and where were you born ?
When did you start fishing, tying flies and fishing with flies ?
I think I was 15 when I bought my first fly rod. At first I struggled with the casting and went back to my spinning rod for a couple of years.
Do you remember the first fish you have ever caught, and the bait ?
Do you remember the first fly you tied ?
It was a Montana with black and yellow chenille.
Do you only flyfish ?
Nowadays yes !
What is the biggest fish you've caught ?
Probably a mahi mahi in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. It was not on fly though..
What is your favourite fish in your own country, top 3 ?
1. Sea Trout
2. Brown Trout
3. Rainbow Trout
Do you have other hobbies, and which ones ?
Since I was a kid I’ve always liked to play video games. Got a NES from my grandparents. Now I own a PS4 and a Nintendo Switch, I don’t play as much now as I did before, but sometimes it’s nice to grab the controller when I need a break from tying flies 😉
Do you have a favourite quote to share ?
No, i don’t have a favourite qoute, i just love tying flies, and fly fishing 🙂
Do you have social medias you would like to share ?
Yes, my Instagram account is @agne
You can click on the instagram icon on top of this site, feel free to join my channel.
All the best.
Agne Fiskarsonen Sjöberg