Who is Team Easy Shrimp Eyes ?
Actually we are just two passionated fly tyers and fly fishers, just like you are.
Both feet solid on the ground, allways on the hunt for a nice fishing trip with a good buddy, some fresh air in our head, a special connection with the beautiful nature, a couple of hours in front of our fly vises the evening before with a good drink, and of course dreaming and talking about that fish we spotted last time.
How big was it ? I’m sure it was a monster ! Do you know that feeling ?
I’m quite sure that you know what i’m talking about.
Fly tying and fly fishing really is something special, a deep connection between creativity and art.
We have spent many many hours with a bobbin in our hands, and with a dream in our head.
Our flylines has been changed several times, and the same has our ambitions.
I guess that’s just what happens during the years, and the beauty of it is, that we can allways learn more about every aspects of these amazing hobbies.

How did you get the ideas ?
In 2012 we were all in on shrimp flies, but when we tied the eyes in, and afterwards looked in our flybox, we were not satisfied at all.
The shrimp eyes was a struggle, they were not the same size, they were not big enough, we needed more colors to spice up our flies, and after one fish, sometimes the perfect fly where right to the trash can. Could this really be right ?!
We simply had to do something, and decided to take action !
First we made Easy Shrimp Eyes in a full black version, then we made the first version of Easy Shrimp Legs, and then we created Diamond Fish Eyes to make cool baitfish as well.
We added a lot of cool color variations to the products, and gave people a nice selection of opportunities to be creative in front of their vises.
What is your mission ?
Our mission is to make the best products for our costumers, and provide you with the best service as well. We believe that it’s very healthy to listen to you, the consumer, and if we hear something enough times, then we will take notes and possibly do what you say.
A very good example is the first version of Easy Shrimp Legs. These legs was not perfect, and we got some very usable feedback from our consumers, and in 2017 we decided to make the next generation, Easy Shrimp Legs 2.0, and these legs are we extremely satisfied with.
We are pretty confident that this product will not be the last from Team Easy Shrimp Eyes.
If you want to be kept updated about news, blog posts, and other relevant stuff, please follow our social medias, you find them around on our page, and they are allways available on the bottom of our website.